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Loren Marsters
A 1912-1913 oil painting done by Marc Chagall, inspired the producers of the musical, WHERE PAPA CAME FROM, to change it's title to...
Loren Marsters
First of all... a BIG THANK YOU To Ken Davenport, Founder of Theatre Makers! Have to give you your props really do want to see...
Loren Marsters
The Kid in Me...
...still believes in the heavyset, white bearded guy in the sleigh being pulled by 8 reindeer...yup, I do. Laugh if you want...heck,...
Loren Marsters
Ain't no such thing as, "Just a reading"
Don't know about you, but I've done readings where there were more people in the cast than in the audience - especially if it's a musical...
Loren Marsters
These five people...
...are not only incredibly talented actors. The are incredibly talented actors, with one heck of a work ethic AND...they are people I'm...
Loren Marsters
Loren Marsters
Loren Marsters
Loren Marsters
Loren Marsters
Loren Marsters
Loren Marsters
Didn't consider herself Japanese American ...considered her self an American - period. ...was a graduate of UCLA in southern California -...
Loren Marsters
All things BACK IN THE WORLD: Celebrating surviving the war...after the war
Thanks to OUR BRILLIANT graphic design guru, Brian Perry, of , not only do I have a great looking...
Loren Marsters
Loren Marsters
3 Men - 3 Women - 65+
That's what we'll be looking for when it's time to cast for workshop and cast for stage...and casting for workshop isn't too far off....
Loren Marsters
Getting closer
Getting excited about getting even closer to finishing my new musical, BACK IN THE WORLD Kudos to my good friend Aaron Daniels who came...
Loren Marsters
I seldom ever get teary-eyed about the loss of celebrities and/or so-called "Icons". So why am I so emotional about Steven Sondheim's...
Loren Marsters
Were we ever that young?
Cannot begin to tell you how many times I've heard that line in a film or a TV show. What does this blog have to do with theatre and/or...
Loren Marsters
I don't remember when I read the interview. I do remember that it was just a month or so ago. I don't remember the name of the Tony award...
Loren Marsters
Don't get me wrong. If there is/was a producer/theatre/theatre group out there that read my work and said, "Damn, Loren. Where have you...
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