And we, and the Valley Virgin Players Theatre Group, whose home is the Mesquite Community Theatre, are pretty darned exited for many reasons!

One of them being: this is the first time, if not in the history of the theatre, but in a long, long time, the Virgin Valley Players Theatre Group Board, has selected an original work to be part of their play performance season!
Even before COVID, most theatres, especially community theatres, wouldn't take the financial risk of including an original work in their season. Post COVID... theatres are even more risk averse.
BUT... according to Virgin Valley Players Board Chairwoman, Mitzi Bender

“Based on the rave reviews the show received in Las Vegas; and with the large veteran population here is Mesquite, and the communities around us. We didn’t feel we were taking a risk at all… this is the most interesting, uplifting, poignant, and funny approach – on stage or film - having to do with Vietnam, I’ve ever seen!”
If you have not seen the show… click the NOWI GET IT tab in the navigation window and scroll down to the Trailer. It will give you a synopsis of the show’s story line. You can sample some of the music in the show as well!
Thanks to a great supporter we had in Las Vegas: Martin Baier (an Airforce veteran), Director of Regional Sales for KG Hotel Group, Fairfield Inns & Suites/Town Place Suites, Las Vegas; he DONATED us rehearsal space. Marty will now will become one of our major community partners in Mesquite, again donating audition AND rehearsal space... as his hotel group will soon be taking over a hotel there, and rebranding it as a Hampton Inn!

AS ALWAYS... keep checking my blog, my MacJac productions fb page, and my MacJac Productions, Linkedin page, AND...the mesquite Community Theatre page: www.mctnv.com
website page, for updates, rehearsal photos, etc, etc., etc
And AS ALWAYS... Thanks for reading my blog!
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